Thursday 29 September 2016

practice task - what was the task?

what was the task?

our film opening: planning

our task

To prepare for our coursework, we are given a final opportunity to film a two minute opening to a film from our own creations. We were given this short project to work on, to experiment with the equipment, get used to the editing software, finding out more about different shots, writing scripts, and directing casts. our task was to produce a two minute opening to a film on anything me and my group wanted - the group i was in; Luke Marchant, Lily Ray and me. however this task had to include miss-en-scene conditions; a meeting, a prop, a costume, a cast and a lighting theme. our teacher gave us three screwed up post it notes (as there were three groups including ours) to pick from for each condition. 

our group ended up picking; 
  • setting; inside a shop
  • prop; a single shoe
  • Characters; 25-40 year old man + 0-8 year old boy
  • lighting; a sunrise 
  • costume; a raincoat
Displayed below, you can see my group and i's planning for this two minute opening to a film. Our ideas where based around the conditions we were given.

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