Monday 26 September 2016

Coursework - My week with Marilyn

My week with Marilyn

I joined media studies three weeks into the course, therefore the rest of the class had already started watching my week with Marilyn. moreover on my first lesson I watched the second half of the film, meaning I will have to catch up and re-watch the film from the beginning. from what I have seen, I really enjoyed watching the film and I am excited to watch it from the beginning to see how the storyline plans out and how it all fits together.

Before watching the film I did not know much about Marilyn and her life, so it was very interesting to watch.

when watching my week with Marilyn, I thought it was very noticeable that the representation of sexuality was clear. for example Marilyn's attractive looks got her into the modelling career however she wanted her fans to appreciate her for her talented actress skills.

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