Friday, 24 February 2017

Coursework Planning - What ways would your target audience ideally be able to consume your films?

Coursework : Planning - What ways would your target audience ideally be able to consume your films?

Based on my ideas so far

What ways would your target audience ideally be able to consume your films? 

Our film is a suspense/horror film. Therefore I recon our film would go straight online because not many people in our target age range, younger people, go to the cinema much anymore, this is because the cinema is a lot more expensive nowadays than it used to be and students can't really afford to spend money on the cinema meaning they are more likely to watch movies online or family purchased Netflix accounts. I don't think our film is block buster material as it's not a big action film with famous actors. Therefore having our film online rather than in cinema or cinema city, where our target audience will not be.
Online such as youtube, on social media, facebook, twitter, instagram.
Some films also go straight to Netflix. 


Coursework Planning - Our ideas so far

My ideas so far

For our coursework, we have been given our task to create a two minute film opening. We actually were given this project a few months back to start preparing, researching and thinking about 50% of our AS grade. But now we start it. Our group, (Megan Lansdell, Lily Mitchell, Daisy Gilbert and I) started by researching about all of the mise-en-scene conditions you find in a film. This would help us find out more about the things we would need to consider for our coursework, and also so we could start to gather ideas from the examples we studied. The research includes: Narrative, Sound, Setting, Dialogue, Narration, Breaking the fourth wall, Target audience, Attracting the target audience, Camera shots and angles and Character. All of these you can find in previous blog posts. We split these posts into four, so we each had three to do and everyone didn't have to do as much. I had the Dialogue pt.2, Breaking the fourth wall and Character. Each Blog post will have the initials of the person who completed it at the bottom of the page, so it doesn't go uncredited. 

The next stage is the Planning section, which we have, again, just split into four so that we each have two planning blog posts to do; I have Plot Synopsis and Location Research. But, before we carry on with our coursework, we need to have a couple of ideas. Yesterday, the four of us sat down to start to discuss and mind map some ideas:

We like the idea of going very simplistic with a plot that can develop into the rest of the film, seeing that it is only the opening 2 minutes that would continue into a feature film that would last approximately 1-2 hours. We would also want something challenging but achievable so that, when finished, it would seem respectable, not 'cheesy' but realistic as it might come out as a little childish if the idea was difficult. Doing a mind map really helped identify the kind of film we want to produce, considering the conditions needed and the possible ideas each of us are thinking of. Regarding the genre, we are leaning towards the suspense/drama area where we think we can pull together our strengths and interests best to plan, shoot, edit and evaluate our opening more than any other genre. Other specifics about the coursework such as characters, setting, dialogue and plot are all ideas in the works and haven't been decided yet, but we for now we continue with our blog posts on planning whilst going through the mentioned details in planning lessons coming up. 


Coursework planning - Location

Coursework : Planning - Location


Potential locations/settings of our film opening (+ photos):

We plan to create a film opening of a suspense/drama genre, with the idea to focus on specifically the characters, the props, the setting and the titles. Therefore, the location to get the correct setting, the location is particularly important. There are several options and various locations that we can choose to set our film in, but from the start, we have something specific in mind. Ideally, we want a home studio/office in the home of the character (depending on the character we want to have). For instance, the first idea we had was to film somewhere unrecognisable to the audience, so any landmarks were a big no. Instead, we thought the locations had to be personal to the character, somewhere familiar or at least a place where only the character could access/no public outsiders. Going with this theme, our first ideas below are in order of our importance:

- A Home Art Studio:
This could be any room at any of the group's home to act as the characters own personal art studio. This choice is the most realistic as the art studio at school is always busy so we will probably be interrupted which isn't ideal.
- Our School's Art Studio:
Our school has a wonderful and expansive art studio that we could ask to use after school or on a Saturday if the caretakers have opened the school. If this is not possible then between the four of us, we have more enough art products and objects to build a smaller art studio (below).
- A Dark Cellar/Basement:
Any basement that could also act as the characters basement space to work. This could act as more creepy as the other locations and would go with the genre much better.
- A Converted Shed:
This would require more effort as we would actually have to convert a shed if we couldn't already find one.
Weather conditions, schedule, availability, timing, sequences etc...

The film opening location (we hope) to use is only one location, a dark room in a pretend art studio in one of our group's house, where the charcter is to make strange notebooks and other 'things'. We are sure that only one location will be enough, becuase its only the opening to the film, and therefore we shouldn't be giving everything away. Yet, our location also depends on several other factors such as the weather conditions, schedule, availability, timing, sequences. For example, to decide the location we need to know that that place is indeed free and meets the needs in terms of availability, and ideally free for the entire time of our shooting so that when we return to the location, it hasn't changed, and therefore achieving continuity. As for the schedule, all of the crew and cast need to be available and all can get to the location in time, as well as all of the crew knowing the schedule for filming. I think that the schedule will be determined after the dates for filming have been decided so that we know where and when it is happening. The film will be shot inside, so the weather conditions do not affect us in any way, yet they could play to our advantage if we wanted to create a certain atmosphere e.g. if it was raining and we had a shot of the raindrops on the window. The sequences, again, are all going to be shot inside in the relatively same location so the sequences going through each shot and telling the story aren't dramatically going change in terms of location.
Why are these locations so good for what we are trying to achieve?

As we aim for to create a film of the suspense/horror genre, there are several conditions that make this location good. For one, the flexibility of our location is excellent because we can use it at any time of day, especially at weekends. The location has also several lighting options that we can alter and use for how we want it. The area of the room we want to use, also, is enough space for us to try and experiment with what the character can do.
Are we using interior and or/ exterior locations?

We won't be using any exterior locations, only interior settings. This is because we want the feeling of the character being isolated or loneliness in his house, and perhaps not confident to go outside. Only using interior locations creates a feeling of secrecy of the character, and, for the audience, an atmosphere of being alone. The conservatory we are using for the location will have no curtains on, and we plan, to film at night time. This will create a creepy element of the house because it will be black outside while the character works in his art studio.
Do we have back-ups?

We plan to use Daisy's conservatory for the setting of the art studio, with the props surrounding him. However, if plans change and we need to use another location, then any of the homes of our group can be a location if we need to. All of our group have other options we can use, including other rooms, houses, and our school. It also depends on circumstance, availability, schedules and timing on whether everything goes accordingly or something happens to go wrong.


Coursework Planning - casting

Coursework : Planning - casting

Coursework Planning - Casting

Images of the people you will be auditioning for your character(s)?

For our piece of coursework we won't be using a character as such in the opening scenes, we won't have the faces of our character featuring, we will only have our characters hands in our opening. This is because our idea is to use the hands of the character in a way that it is capturing what they are doing, pulling apart pictures, cutting things, painting etc. So for this we had a look at peoples hands to see who would fit our character best.

Who are they?

The person that we will be using for this will most likely be from our group as it is easier than finding someone to use purely for that, also it makes everyone in the group feel a lot more comfortable and easier to ask them to perform certain actions as we know them. However we could alternatively use a parent of one of ours where we are filming as this would also be easier.

Why do you believe they would be good for the role?

Any one in the group would be suitable for this role, as it doesn't require any dramatic performance, but instead just being willing to use their hands. They don't need to perform any facial expressions or anything of a dramatic nature, therefore it means that they don't really need any experience of too be particularly good at acting for this.

Why have you given the role(s) to this/these people?

It will be given to someone in our group or a parent of a group member as it is most convenient for the process of filming, it is a simple role and doesn't require any great deal of acting and therefore it is the most logical thing to use one of ourselves for the role.


Coursework : Final Planning - Prop list

Since the entirety of our openeonh 2 minutes is based on hands doing thins with art supplies we have a very long prop list 
  • Scrap book 
  • Scalpel 
  • 5 images of black and white mans torso each physically manipulated in some way.. 
  1. Burnt the image 
  2. Stitched into the image 
  3. 2 of the same image Collaged together 
  4. Wax melted onto image 
  5. Mascara smudged on image 
  • A book 
  • Pen
  • Marker
  • Crayon
  • Printed photos which I took in Norwich St Andrews Asylum 
  • Black acrylic paint 
  • Paint brush 
  • Lined paper
  • Drawing 
  • Fairy lights 
  • Sticky notes 


Coursework Planning - Final Script

Coursework : Final Planning - final script

Final Script

( camera focuses on paper) 
  (Hands using scalpel) 
 Title 1 : sombre productions 
  (Burnt photo of mans torso) 
(Scratching collage) 
  (Overlay image of hands using pens to cross out words in a book)
(Hands grabbing paper)
(darker collage image) 
  (photo of two people in St. Andrews asylum)
(Wet paint on lined paper)
(photo of mans torso with melted wax)
(Back of actresses head with glasses)
(Macro shot of a page in the book)
Title 2 : A film by..  Lily Ray  Megan Lansdell  Daisy Gilbert  Lily Mitchell
 (Image of person in St. Andrews asylum)
(Turn page with wet paint)
(Focus on paper)
(Mascara smudged on photo of mans torso)
Title 3 : Louise Campling
  (Scalpel on collage)
(Fire burning piece of paper)
(Zoomed in on page of book)
(Fairy lights in collage)
(Image of boy at st Andrews Asylum)
Title 4 : Samuel Hewitson
  (Image of girl and St. Andrews asylum) 
(Painting on lined paper)
(Over lay writing)
(Stitches on image of mans torso)
(Writing with marker)
(Crossing words out in book)
(Collage of images of mans torso)
(Paint finger print)
Title 5 : Thomas Bishop 
  (Zoomed writing)
(Scrunching hands leave page)
(Painting a face on lined paper)
(Tearing up paper)
(Ripping scrapbook page)
Final Title : MERZ


Coursework planning - Script ideas

Coursework : Planning - script ideas

Coursework Planning: Script Ideas  


Are we going to be using a script and why?

We plan, at the moment, to not include any speech at all in our two minute opening. This means that we won't write a script for our film. We don't want anybody speaking because we think that as our film is a thriller it should create as much suspense as possible. One of the ways we can do this is by not including any other noise or sound other than the background music or noise made by the props. The background 'music' is some background music we found on Soundcloud that represents our genre and film well as it contains some creepy/suspense sounds. So, to have dialogue would ruin the atmosphere we are trying to create. Another reason not to have dialogue is because I think that having dialogue would distract the viewers from what's happening with the character in the film but they would instead listen more to what they were saying. Also, if we were to have dialogue then we aren't too sure of what would be said. Due to the fact we don't want to show any of the character other than their hands so the audience can make their assumptions, it would be giving away their voice. The only other option would be if we had a narrator, (either the character's voice or someone else) over the top, perhaps, describing something that happened a long time ago.


Coursework - Evaluation - question 4

Evaluation Question 4 

Question 4; who would be the audience for your media product?

Coursework planning - Storyboard


Below is our storyboard in preparation for our final film opening. We have included drawings that we think we will be using frequently during the process of filming and shooting for our film. The drawings included within the storyboard may change throughout the process of the filming procedure, however, these are the main elements.  


Coursework planning - Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule 

Below is a table to show our shooting schedule for our final outcome; 


Coursework - Audience feedback on rough cut

Audience feedback on rough cut 

Negative feedback; 

  • No credits where included in the rough cut, to improve i would personally add credits explaining the actors and company that is making the film. - Anonymous
  • I personally think that the rough cut lacked order, therefore the transition between clips was poor. I would improve this to boost your outcome. - Anonymous 
  • Maybe add some fancy editing to make the film opening look more professional. - Anonymous 
  • Add more clips to make the TWO minute film opening because it is currently one minute and thirty three seconds. - Anonymous 

Positive feedback; 

  • Interesting idea creates tension and wants the watcher to carry on watching. - Anonymous 
  • Music suits the idea and theme of the two minute opening. - Anonymous 
  • Good camera shots and angles makes the opening look more unique and professional. - Anonymous